A New Blog

I’m super excited to announce that I will be joining a new blog. Four other fantasy authors will post with me. If you’d like to check it out, the address is afeastoffantasy.tumblr.com The other authors already have some exciting posts up, including an interview with one of my favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson. I think this […]

Fresh From Ye Olde Mind

I’ve decided to post chapter one from my third book. Keep in mind, this is all fresh stuff. Never been read by anyone but yours truly. But hey, I’m not a selfish gal. I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear feedback! CHAPTER ONE The castle appeared again. Right over the trees, out of nowhere. […]

Why Haven’t I Read This Book?

The Princess Bride.  The movie is on my top ten list, so why have I never read the book? Well, now am I. Can I just say–it’s awesome. So funny. Very different from what I’ve been reading lately but very entertaining.

Wednesday Updates

No news this week but I did send out three more queries. I try not to think about it too much or I’ll get really anxious. One of the agents considering my novel posted her stats. She reads 36,000 queries a year, requests the first thirty pages of about 1,200, and looks at full manuscripts […]


# of queries sent since I started querying: 27 # of requests: 2!!! Can you tell I’m happy about this?      And just for fun, I want to post a snippet from my second book, FORGOTTEN. To get you up to speed, this scene takes place with my two main characters, Susan King and Grant […]

Wednesday Again

As promised, this weeks stats. Submissions sent this week: 8 Responses: 0 Total number of queries floating in cyberspace waiting for a response: 15 Yes, I haven’t heard any news this week. However, I did go to the hospital yesterday for an EGD and the doctor found a big ol’ bloody ulcer in my stomach. […]

Query Guts

It takes guts to send out queries. No matter how thick your skin, rejection hurts. You’ve put your time, your SOUL into writing, and now you get one, maybe two lines of “not right for us.” I’ve decided to put my guts out there, so to speak. I’ve started querying my first novel, FORBIDDEN, a […]

Taking the Easy Way Out

I have a daily word goal of writing 1,000 words a day. (Now you know why I never blog.) A few days ago I’d hit the 700 word mark, took a break, came back to the computer when Word encountered a “fatal error.” Basically my words were lost and they weren’t coming back. Even auto […]

Hocus Pocus

Maybe I can call this hocus pocus. Sounds like a good name for it. But sometimes I have weird things happen to me. I don’t know if it has a name, but here’s an example. Two days ago I was driving home, kids in the car, radio turned on the classical station, evening. I look […]